Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 5. Matters Affecting Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle A. Municipal Officers and Employees
Chapter 143. Municipal Civil Service for Firefighters and Police Officers
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 143.001. Purpose.
Sec. 143.002. Municipalities Covered by Chapter.
Sec. 143.003. Definitions.
Sec. 143.004. Election to Adopt Or Repeal Chapter.
Sec. 143.005. Status of Employees If Chapter Adopted.
Sec. 143.0051. Status of Employees in Certain Fire Departments.
Sec. 143.0051. Status of Employees in Certain Fire Departments.
Sec. 143.0052. Fee for Emergency Medical Services.
Sec. 143.006. Implementation: Commission.
Sec. 143.007. Removal of Commission Member.
Sec. 143.008. Adoption and Publication of Rules.
Sec. 143.009. Commission Investigations and Inspections.
Sec. 143.010. Commission Appeal Procedure.
Sec. 143.011. Decisions and Records.
Sec. 143.012. Director.
Sec. 143.013. Appointment and Removal of Department Head.
Sec. 143.014. Appointment and Removal of Person Classified Immediately Below Department Head.
Sec. 143.015. Appeal of Commission Decision to District Court.
Sec. 143.016. Penalty for Violation of Chapter.