Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 5. Matters Affecting Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle A. Municipal Officers and Employees
Chapter 143. Municipal Civil Service for Firefighters and Police Officers
Subchapter B. Classification and Appointment
Sec. 143.021. Classification; Examination Requirement.
Sec. 143.022. Physical Requirements and Examinations.
Sec. 143.023. Eligibility for Beginning Position.
Sec. 143.024. Entrance Examination Notice.
Sec. 143.025. Entrance Examinations.
Sec. 143.0251. Reappointment After Resignation.
Sec. 143.026. Procedure for Filling Beginning Positions.
Sec. 143.027. Probationary Period.
Sec. 143.028. Eligibility for Promotion.
Sec. 143.029. Promotional Examination Notice.
Sec. 143.030. Eligibility for Fire Department Promotional Examination.
Sec. 143.031. Eligibility for Police Department Promotional Examination.
Sec. 143.032. Promotional Examination Procedure.
Sec. 143.033. Promotional Examination Grades.
Sec. 143.034. Review and Appeal of Promotional Examination.
Sec. 143.035. Alternate Promotional System in Police Department.
Sec. 143.036. Procedure for Making Promotional Appointments.
Sec. 143.037. Record of Certification and Appointment.
Sec. 143.038. Temporary Duties in Higher Classification.