Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 8. Acquisition, Sale, Or Lease of Property
Subtitle B. County Acquisition, Sale, Or Lease of Property
Chapter 262. Purchasing and Contracting Authority of Counties
Subchapter C. Competitive Bidding in General
Sec. 262.021. Short Title.
Sec. 262.022. Definitions.
Sec. 262.0225. Additional Competitive Procedures.
Sec. 262.023. Competitive Requirements for Certain Purchases.
Sec. 262.0235. Procedures Adopted by County Purchasing Agents for Electronic Bids Or Proposals.
Sec. 262.024. Discretionary Exemptions.
Sec. 262.0241. Mandatory Exemptions: Certain Recreational Services.
Sec. 262.0245. Competitive Procurement Procedures Adopted by County Purchasing Agents Or Commissioners Court.
Sec. 262.025. Competitive Bidding Notice.
Sec. 262.0255. Additional Notice and Bond Provisions Relating to Purchase of Certain Equipment.
Sec. 262.0256. Pre-bid Conference for Certain Counties Or A District Governed by Those Counties.
Sec. 262.026. Opening of Bids.
Sec. 262.027. Awarding of Contract.
Sec. 262.0271. Consideration of Health Insurance Provided by Bidder.
Sec. 262.0275. Safety Record of Bidder Considered.
Sec. 262.0276. Contract with Person Indebted to County.
Sec. 262.028. Lump-sum Or Unit Price Method.
Sec. 262.029. Time Warrant Election.
Sec. 262.0295. Alternative Multistep Competitive Proposal Procedure.
Sec. 262.030. Alternative Competitive Proposal Procedure for Certain Goods and Services.
Sec. 262.0305. Modification After Award.
Sec. 262.031. Changes in Plans and Specifications.
Sec. 262.032. Bid Or Performance Bond; Payment Under Contract.
Sec. 262.033. Injunction.
Sec. 262.034. Criminal Penalties.
Sec. 262.036. Selection and Retention of Insurance Broker.
Sec. 262.037. Qualification.