Texas Statutes
Natural Resources Code
Title 2. Public Domain
Subtitle E. Beaches and Dunes
Chapter 62. Beach Park Board of Trustees
Subchapter C. Administrative Provisions
Sec. 62.041. Members of Board.
Sec. 62.042. Term of Office.
Sec. 62.043. Oath and Bond.
Sec. 62.044. Compensation; Expenses.
Sec. 62.045. Vacancy.
Sec. 62.046. Officers of Board.
Sec. 62.047. Park Manager.
Sec. 62.048. Legal Services.
Sec. 62.049. Employees of Board.
Sec. 62.050. Meetings.
Sec. 62.051. Board Records.
Sec. 62.052. Management of Funds.
Sec. 62.053. Audit.
Sec. 62.054. Court Actions.
Sec. 62.055. Seal.