Texas Statutes
Natural Resources Code
Title 2. Public Domain
Subtitle F. Land of Political Subdivisions
Chapter 71. Lease for Mineral Development
Subchapter A. Leases by Political Subdivisions
Sec. 71.001. Definition.
Sec. 71.002. Authority to Lease.
Sec. 71.003. Governing Body to Exercise Authority.
Sec. 71.004. Notice and Hearing.
Sec. 71.005. Notice of Intention to Lease Land.
Sec. 71.006. Receiving Bids and Awarding Lease.
Sec. 71.007. Rejection of Bids and Additional Bids.
Sec. 71.008. Grant of Lease.
Sec. 71.009. Royalty.
Sec. 71.010. Lease Term.