Texas Statutes
Natural Resources Code
Title 3. Oil and Gas
Subtitle B. Conservation and Regulation of Oil and Gas
Chapter 89. Abandoned Wells
Subchapter D. Costs of Plugging Wells
Sec. 89.081. Cause of Action for Disproportionate Share of Cost.
Sec. 89.083. First Lien On Equipment; Cause of Action If Commission Plugs.
Sec. 89.084. Money Paid Commission by Private Person.
Sec. 89.085. Possession and Sale of Equipment to Cover Plugging Costs.
Sec. 89.086. Claims Against Oil and Gas Regulation and Cleanup Fund.
Sec. 89.087. Judicial Review of Commission Decisions; Immunity from Suit and Liability.
Sec. 89.088. Record of Request for Notice by Lienholder Or Nonoperator; Form; Fee.