Texas Statutes
Natural Resources Code
Title 4. Mines and Mining
Chapter 134. Texas Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act
Subchapter E. Performance Standards
Sec. 134.091. Operations Required to Meet Performance Standards.
Sec. 134.092. Performance Standards.
Sec. 134.093. Backfilling, Grading, and Compacting: Insufficient Overburden.
Sec. 134.094. Backfilling, Grading, and Compacting: Sufficient Overburden.
Sec. 134.095. Maintenance of Topsoil Or Other Strata.
Sec. 134.096. Specifications for Soil Removal, Storage, Replacement, and Reconstruction.
Sec. 134.097. Removal, Storage, and Replacement of Soil and Overburden Without Regard to Soil Horizons.
Sec. 134.098. Prohibition On Augering.
Sec. 134.099. Certification of Siltation Structure.
Sec. 134.100. Proximity of Mine to Underground Mines: Exception.
Sec. 134.101. Rules Regarding Use of Explosives.
Sec. 134.102. Variance to Permit Underground Mining Operations Before Reclamation.
Sec. 134.103. Use of Introduced Species for Revegetation.
Sec. 134.104. Responsibility for Revegetation: Area of Low Precipitation.
Sec. 134.105. Responsibility for Revegetation: Long-term Intensive Agricultural Postmining Use.
Sec. 134.106. Spoil Disposal.
Sec. 134.107. Permit Without Regard to Requirement to Restore to Approximate Original Contour.
Sec. 134.108. Steep Slope Surface Coal Mining.
Sec. 134.109. Variance from Requirement to Restore Contour.
Sec. 134.110. Water Supply Replacement.