Texas Statutes
Natural Resources Code
Title 7. Resources Programs
Chapter 161. Veterans Land Board
Subchapter B. Administrative Provisions
Sec. 161.011. Veterans Land Board Designated.
Sec. 161.0111. Sunset Provision.
Sec. 161.013. Executive Secretary and Assistant Executive Secretary.
Sec. 161.014. Employees.
Sec. 161.0141. Separation of Responsibilities.
Sec. 161.015. Compensation and Duties of Employees.
Sec. 161.016. Fiscal Agent.
Sec. 161.017. Meetings of Board.
Sec. 161.018. Minutes of Board.
Sec. 161.019. Depository for Papers, Records, and Archives.
Sec. 161.020. Purchase of Supplies.
Sec. 161.021. Seal.
Sec. 161.022. Chapter Application to Successor Boards.
Sec. 161.023. Training.
Sec. 161.024. Conflicts of Interest.
Sec. 161.025. Equal Protection for Board Members.
Sec. 161.026. Removal of Board Member.
Sec. 161.028. Career Ladder.
Sec. 161.029. Performance Evaluations.
Sec. 161.030. Audit.
Sec. 161.0301. Internal Auditor.
Sec. 161.031. Equal Employment Opportunity.
Sec. 161.032. Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 161.033. Public Debate Before Board.
Sec. 161.034. Complaints.
Sec. 161.035. Use of Technology.
Sec. 161.036. Negotiated Rulemaking; Alternative Dispute Resolution.