Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A-1. Texas Racing Act
Chapter 2022. Texas Racing Commission
Subchapter A. Composition and Operation
Sec. 2022.001. Commission Membership.
Sec. 2022.002. Term of Office.
Sec. 2022.003. Financial Statement Required.
Sec. 2022.004. Restrictions On Commission Appointment, Membership, and Employment.
Sec. 2022.005. Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 2022.006. Member Training.
Sec. 2022.007. Member Per Diem and Reimbursement for Expenses.
Sec. 2022.008. Presiding Officer.
Sec. 2022.009. Commission Meetings; Record of Commission Votes.
Sec. 2022.010. Commission Offices.
Sec. 2022.011. Money Paid to Commission.
Sec. 2022.012. Legal Representation.
Sec. 2022.013. Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures.
Sec. 2022.014. Public Participation.