Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A-1. Texas Racing Act
Chapter 2023. Commission and Race Meeting Official Powers and Duties
Subchapter C. Employment of and Supervision by Race Meeting Officials
Sec. 2023.101. Employment of Stewards and Judges.
Sec. 2023.102. Steward and Judge Examinations.
Sec. 2023.103. Employment of State Veterinarians.
Sec. 2023.104. Race Meeting Official Compensation and Fee.
Sec. 2023.105. Employment of Other Racetrack Officials.
Sec. 2023.106. Race Meeting Official Powers and Duties; Rules.
Sec. 2023.107. Executive Director Review and Modification of Penalty.
Sec. 2023.108. Final Decision; Availability of Appeal.
Sec. 2023.109. Appeal from Decision of Race Meeting Official; Decisions Not Appealable.