Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A-1. Texas Racing Act
Chapter 2025. Licensing
Subchapter F. Occupational Licenses
Sec. 2025.251. Occupational License Required.
Sec. 2025.252. License Categories.
Sec. 2025.253. Examination Notification.
Sec. 2025.254. Issuance of License.
Sec. 2025.255. Issuance of Identification Card.
Sec. 2025.256. License Fees.
Sec. 2025.257. Term of License; Renewal.
Sec. 2025.258. Criminal History Record Information.
Sec. 2025.259. License Valid Throughout State.
Sec. 2025.261. Reciprocal Licenses; Out-of-state Applicants.
Sec. 2025.262. Grounds for Denial, Revocation, and Suspension of Occupational License.