Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A-1. Texas Racing Act
Chapter 2035. Local Option Election to Legalize Pari-mutuel Wagering
Subchapter A. Legalization Election
Sec. 2035.001. Voter Approval of Racetrack Required.
Sec. 2035.002. Initiation of Legalization Election.
Sec. 2035.003. Election to Approve Wagering On Simulcast Races.
Sec. 2035.004. Application for Petition; Issuance.
Sec. 2035.005. Contents of Petition Application.
Sec. 2035.006. Contents of Petition.
Sec. 2035.007. Copies.
Sec. 2035.008. Requirements to Order Election.
Sec. 2035.009. Verification of Petition.
Sec. 2035.010. Certification of Petition Signatures.
Sec. 2035.011. Record in Minutes.
Sec. 2035.012. Order for Election; Election Date.
Sec. 2035.013. Evidence of Validity.
Sec. 2035.014. Election Procedures Governed by Election Code.
Sec. 2035.015. Ballot Proposition.
Sec. 2035.016. Certification of Election Results.
Sec. 2035.017. Frequency of Elections.