Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A. Gaming
Chapter 2001. Bingo
Subchapter G. General Provisions Relating to Commission Licenses
Sec. 2001.301. License Investigation.
Sec. 2001.302. Provision of Supplemental Information.
Sec. 2001.3025. Access to Criminal History Record Information.
Sec. 2001.304. Temporary Authorization.
Sec. 2001.305. Notice to Local Authorities.
Sec. 2001.306. Amendment of License.
Sec. 2001.307. Maximum License Term.
Sec. 2001.308. Paperwork Reduction.
Sec. 2001.309. Separate License.
Sec. 2001.310. Display of License.
Sec. 2001.311. Rights Not Vested.
Sec. 2001.312. Failure to File Fee Reports.
Sec. 2001.313. Registry of Approved Bingo Workers.
Sec. 2001.314. Identification Card for Approved Bingo Worker.
Sec. 2001.315. Late License Renewal.
Sec. 2001.316. Delivery of Commission Notice.