Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A. Gaming
Chapter 2001. Bingo
Subchapter J. Bingo Accounts and Use of Proceeds
Sec. 2001.451. Organization Bingo Accounts.
Sec. 2001.452. Bingo Account Withdrawals.
Sec. 2001.453. Authorized Uses of Bingo Account.
Sec. 2001.454. Use of Net Proceeds for Charitable Purposes.
Sec. 2001.455. Use of Proceeds by Recipient.
Sec. 2001.456. Use of Proceeds by Licensed Authorized Organization.
Sec. 2001.457. Required Disbursements to Charity.
Sec. 2001.458. Items of Expense.
Sec. 2001.459. Expenses Paid from Bingo Account.