Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 13. Sports, Amusements, and Entertainment
Subtitle A. Gaming
Chapter 2001. Bingo
Subchapter L. Enforcement
Sec. 2001.551. Unlawful Bingo; Offense.
Sec. 2001.552. Fraudulent Award of Prizes; Offense.
Sec. 2001.553. Unlicensed Sales; Offense.
Sec. 2001.554. Other Offenses; Revocation of License.
Sec. 2001.555. Exemption from Prosecution.
Sec. 2001.556. Price Fixing Prohibited.
Sec. 2001.557. Inspection of Premises.
Sec. 2001.558. Injunction; Civil Penalty.
Sec. 2001.559. Remedies Not Exclusive.
Sec. 2001.560. Examination of Records; Disclosure of Information.
Sec. 2001.561. Penal Code Application.