Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 14. Regulation of Motor Vehicles and Transportation
Subtitle C. Regulation of Transportation Services
Chapter 2402. Transportation Network Companies
Subchapter C. Operation of Transportation Network Companies
Sec. 2402.101. Insurance Required.
Sec. 2402.102. Shared Rides.
Sec. 2402.103. Fares.
Sec. 2402.104. Digital Network Identification of Drivers and Vehicles to Passengers.
Sec. 2402.105. Electronic Receipt.
Sec. 2402.106. Intoxicating Substance Policy.
Sec. 2402.107. Driver Requirements.
Sec. 2402.1075. Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Training Materials Required.
Sec. 2402.108. Digitally Prearranged Rides Only.
Sec. 2402.109. Passenger Acting in Unlawful, Disorderly, Or Endangering Manner.
Sec. 2402.110. Display of Digital Identification.
Sec. 2402.111. Vehicle Requirements.
Sec. 2402.112. Nondiscrimination; Accessibility.
Sec. 2402.113. Accessibility Pilot Program.
Sec. 2402.114. Drivers As Independent Contractors.
Sec. 2402.115. Agreements with Local Entities for Large Events.