Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle A. Provisions Applying to Health Professions Generally
Chapter 110. Council On Sex Offender Treatment
Subchapter G. Sex Offender Treatment Provider License
Sec. 110.301. License Required.
Sec. 110.302. License Requirements.
Sec. 110.303. License of Out-of-state Applicants.
Sec. 110.304. Conviction Or Deferred Adjudication Information.
Sec. 110.3045. License Term.
Sec. 110.305. License Expiration.
Sec. 110.306. License Renewal Required.
Sec. 110.307. Procedure for Renewal.
Sec. 110.308. Renewal of Expired License by Out-of-state Practitioner.
Sec. 110.309. Denial of License.