Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle A. Provisions Applying to Health Professions Generally
Chapter 111. Telemedicine, Teledentistry, and Telehealth
Sec. 111.001. Definitions.
Sec. 111.002. Informed Consent.
Sec. 111.003. Confidentiality.
Sec. 111.004. Rules.
Sec. 111.005. Practitioner-patient Relationship for Telemedicine Medical Services Or Teledentistry Dental Services.
Sec. 111.006. Coordination to Adopt Rules That Determine Valid Prescription.
Sec. 111.007. Standard of Care for Telemedicine Medical Services, Teledentistry Dental Services, and Telehealth Services.
Sec. 111.0075. Licensing for Teledentistry Dental Services.
Sec. 111.008. Mental Health Services Excluded.
Sec. 111.009. Limitation On Certain Prescriptions.