Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle B. Physicians
Chapter 153. Powers and Duties
Subchapter A. General Powers and Duties of Board
Sec. 153.001. Adoption of Rules.
Sec. 153.0015. Guidelines for Input in Rulemaking.
Sec. 153.002. Rules Restricting Advertising Or Competitive Bidding.
Sec. 153.003. Rules Regarding Maintenance of Patient Records.
Sec. 153.004. Rules Regarding Telemedicine Medical Services.
Sec. 153.0045. Rules On Consequences of Criminal Conviction.
Sec. 153.005. Executive Committee; Appointment of Other Committees.
Sec. 153.006. Criminal Record Report.
Sec. 153.007. Authority to Issue Subpoena Or Administer Oath; Subpoena Enforcement.
Sec. 153.008. Board Records.
Sec. 153.010. Adoption of Fee Schedule by Board Prohibited.
Sec. 153.011. Waiver of Fee Or Penalty by Board Prohibited.
Sec. 153.012. Board Duties Regarding Complaints.
Sec. 153.013. Representation by Attorney General.
Sec. 153.014. Information Provided to License Holders.
Sec. 153.015. Poison Control Center Information.
Sec. 153.016. Expert Testimony.