Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle C. Other Professions Performing Medical Procedures
Chapter 201. Chiropractors
Subchapter B. Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Sec. 201.051. Board; Membership.
Sec. 201.052. Membership Eligibility.
Sec. 201.053. Membership and Employee Restrictions.
Sec. 201.054. Terms; Vacancy.
Sec. 201.055. Officers.
Sec. 201.056. Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 201.057. Per Diem; Reimbursement.
Sec. 201.058. Meetings.
Sec. 201.060. Board Seal.
Sec. 201.061. Training.