Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle C. Other Professions Performing Medical Procedures
Chapter 201. Chiropractors
Subchapter K. Disciplinary Procedures
Sec. 201.501. Disciplinary Powers of Board.
Sec. 201.502. Grounds for Refusal, Revocation, Or Suspension of License.
Sec. 201.5025. Prohibited Practices by Chiropractor Or License Applicant.
Sec. 201.5026. Unprofessional Or Dishonorable Conduct.
Sec. 201.503. Schedule of Sanctions.
Sec. 201.504. Informal Proceedings; Refunds.
Sec. 201.505. Hearings.
Sec. 201.506. Enforcement Committee.
Sec. 201.5065. Required Suspension Or Revocation of License for Certain Offenses.
Sec. 201.507. Temporary License Suspension.
Sec. 201.508. Powers of District Courts; Duties of District and County Attorneys.
Sec. 201.509. Representation by Attorney General.
Sec. 201.510. Right to Appeal.
Sec. 201.511. Reissuance of License.