Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle C. Other Professions Performing Medical Procedures
Chapter 204. Physician Assistants
Subchapter E. Practice by License Holder
Sec. 204.201. Notice of Intent to Practice.
Sec. 204.202. Scope of Practice.
Sec. 204.203. Identification Requirements.
Sec. 204.204. Supervision Requirements.
Sec. 204.2045. Volunteer Care and Services Performed During Disaster.
Sec. 204.205. Requirements for Supervising Physician.
Sec. 204.206. Establishment of Certain Functions and Standards.
Sec. 204.207. Assumption of Professional Liability.
Sec. 204.208. Duty to Report; Medical Peer Review.
Sec. 204.209. Jointly Owned Entities with Physicians.
Sec. 204.210. Protection for Refusal to Engage in Certain Conduct.