Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle C. Other Professions Performing Medical Procedures
Chapter 205. Acupuncture
Subchapter H. Disciplinary Procedures
Sec. 205.351. Grounds for License Denial Or Disciplinary Action.
Sec. 205.352. Disciplinary Powers of Acupuncture Board.
Sec. 205.3522. Surrender of License.
Sec. 205.3523. Physical Or Mental Examination.
Sec. 205.354. Rules for Disciplinary Proceedings.
Sec. 205.3541. Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 205.3542. Acupuncture Board Representation in Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 205.3543. Roles and Responsibilities of Participants in Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 205.3544. Limit On Access to Investigation Files.
Sec. 205.355. Required Disciplinary Action for Failure to Obtain Referral.
Sec. 205.356. Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 205.3561. Expert Immunity.
Sec. 205.3562. Responsibilities of Private Associations.
Sec. 205.357. Effect of Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 205.358. Audit of Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 205.359. Subpoena.
Sec. 205.360. Delegation of Certain Complaint Dispositions.
Sec. 205.361. Temporary Suspension.
Sec. 205.362. Cease and Desist Order.
Sec. 205.363. Refund.
Sec. 205.364. Modification of Findings Or Rulings by Administrative Law Judge.