Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle C. Other Professions Performing Medical Procedures
Chapter 206. Surgical Assistants
Subchapter G. Disciplinary Proceedings
Sec. 206.301. Disciplinary Actions by the Medical Board.
Sec. 206.302. Conduct Related to Fraud Or Misrepresentation.
Sec. 206.303. Conduct Related to Violation of Law.
Sec. 206.304. Conduct Indicating Lack of Fitness.
Sec. 206.305. Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 206.306. Effect of Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 206.307. Audit of Rehabilitation Order.
Sec. 206.3075. Responsibilities of Private Associations.
Sec. 206.308. Subpoena.
Sec. 206.309. Protection of Patient Identity.
Sec. 206.310. Rules for Disciplinary Proceedings.
Sec. 206.311. Required Suspension of Incarcerated Surgical Assistant.
Sec. 206.312. Temporary Suspension.
Sec. 206.313. Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 206.314. Roles and Responsibilities of Participants in Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 206.315. Medical Board Representation in Informal Proceedings.