Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle D. Dentistry
Chapter 256. Licensing of Dentists and Dental Hygienists
Subchapter C. General License Provisions
Sec. 256.101. Issuance of License to Certain Out-of-state Applicants.
Sec. 256.1013. Provisional License.
Sec. 256.1015. Temporary License.
Sec. 256.1016. Temporary License for Charitable Purpose.
Sec. 256.1017. Military Limited Volunteer License.
Sec. 256.102. Retired Status.
Sec. 256.103. Display of Registration Certificate.
Sec. 256.104. Duplicate License.
Sec. 256.105. Notification of Change of Information.
Sec. 256.106. Delegated Authority to Issue Licenses.