Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle D. Dentistry
Chapter 263. License Denial and Disciplinary Proceedings
Sec. 263.0001. Definition.
Sec. 263.001. Grounds for Refusal to Issue License; Application of Open Meetings Law.
Sec. 263.002. Grounds for Disciplinary Action in General.
Sec. 263.0025. Submission to Mental Or Physical Evaluation.
Sec. 263.003. Hearing.
Sec. 263.004. Temporary Suspension in Emergency.
Sec. 263.005. Probation.
Sec. 263.006. Suspension Or Revocation Required for Certain Drug Offenses.
Sec. 263.0065. Delegation of Certain Complaint Dispositions.
Sec. 263.007. Informal Proceeding.
Sec. 263.0071. Dental Review Committee.
Sec. 263.0072. Informal Settlement Conference Panel.
Sec. 263.0073. Roles and Responsibilities of Participants in Informal Settlement Conference.
Sec. 263.0074. Dismissal of Baseless Complaint.
Sec. 263.0076. Informal Settlement Conference Notice Regarding Certain Complaints.
Sec. 263.0077. Remedial Plan.
Sec. 263.008. Subpoena.
Sec. 263.009. Appeal.