Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle E. Regulation of Nursing
Chapter 301. Nurses
Subchapter J. Prohibited Practices and Disciplinary Actions
Sec. 301.451. Certain Prohibited Practices.
Sec. 301.4515. Use of Certain Nursing Titles.
Sec. 301.452. Grounds for Disciplinary Action.
Sec. 301.4521. Physical and Psychological Evaluation.
Sec. 301.453. Disciplinary Authority of Board; Methods of Discipline.
Sec. 301.4531. Schedule of Sanctions.
Sec. 301.4535. Required Suspension, Revocation, Or Refusal of License for Certain Offenses.
Sec. 301.454. Notice and Hearing.
Sec. 301.455. Temporary License Suspension Or Restriction.
Sec. 301.4551. Temporary License Suspension for Drug Or Alcohol Use.
Sec. 301.456. Evidence.
Sec. 301.457. Complaint and Investigation.
Sec. 301.4575. Procedures for Expert Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Review.
Sec. 301.458. Initiation of Formal Charges; Discovery.
Sec. 301.459. Formal Hearing.
Sec. 301.460. Access to Information.
Sec. 301.461. Assessment of Costs Prohibited.
Sec. 301.462. Voluntary Surrender of License.
Sec. 301.463. Agreed Disposition.
Sec. 301.464. Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 301.465. Subpoenas; Request for Information.
Sec. 301.466. Confidentiality.
Sec. 301.467. Reinstatement.
Sec. 301.468. Probation.
Sec. 301.469. Notice of Final Action.
Sec. 301.470. Refund.
Sec. 301.471. Emergency Cease and Desist Order.