Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle F. Professions Related to Eyes and Vision
Chapter 351. Optometrists and Therapeutic Optometrists
Subchapter I. Prohibited Practices in General
Sec. 351.401. Prohibited Offer, Representation, Or Designation.
Sec. 351.402. Impersonation Prohibited.
Sec. 351.403. False, Deceptive, Or Misleading Advertising.
Sec. 351.404. Eyeglasses As Prize Or Inducement.
Sec. 351.405. Alteration of Prescription.
Sec. 351.406. Expired Contact Lens Prescription.
Sec. 351.407. Governmental Discrimination Prohibited.
Sec. 351.408. Control of Optometry.
Sec. 351.409. Prohibited Activity by Unlicensed Person.