Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle I. Regulation of Psychology and Counseling
Chapter 501. Psychologists
Subchapter F. General License Requirements
Sec. 501.251. License Required.
Sec. 501.252. Psychologist License Application.
Sec. 501.2525. License Qualifications.
Sec. 501.253. Provisional Status for Certain Applicants.
Sec. 501.256. Examinations.
Sec. 501.259. Licensing of Psychological Associate.
Sec. 501.260. Licensed Specialist in School Psychology.
Sec. 501.261. Form of License.
Sec. 501.262. Reciprocal License.
Sec. 501.263. Temporary License.
Sec. 501.264. Inactive Status.