Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle I. Regulation of Psychology and Counseling
Chapter 504. Chemical Dependency Counselors
Subchapter B. Powers and Duties of Executive Commissioner and Department
Sec. 504.051. General Powers and Duties of Executive Commissioner.
Sec. 504.0515. General Powers and Duties of Department.
Sec. 504.052. Discrimination Prohibited.
Sec. 504.053. Fees; Account.
Sec. 504.054. Collection Action.
Sec. 504.055. Official Roster.
Sec. 504.056. Rules Restricting Advertising Or Competitive Bidding.
Sec. 504.057. Approval of Peer Assistance Programs.
Sec. 504.058. Funding for Chemical Dependency Counselor Programs.