Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle I. Regulation of Psychology and Counseling
Chapter 504. Chemical Dependency Counselors
Subchapter E. License Expiration and Renewal
Sec. 504.201. License Expiration.
Sec. 504.202. Notice of License Expiration and Requirements to Renew.
Sec. 504.2025. Certain Grounds for Refusal to Renew License, Registration, Or Certification.
Sec. 504.2026. Refusal to Renew License: Access to Peer Assistance Program.
Sec. 504.203. License Renewal.
Sec. 504.204. Renewal of Expired License of Out-of-state Practitioner.
Sec. 504.205. Continuing Education Requirements.
Sec. 504.206. Continuing Education Relating to Hiv, Hepatitis C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.