Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle J. Pharmacy and Pharmacists
Chapter 562. Practice by License Holder
Subchapter C. Practice by Pharmacy
Sec. 562.101. Supervision of Pharmacy.
Sec. 562.1011. Operation of Class C Pharmacy in Certain Rural Hospitals.
Sec. 562.102. Confidential Record.
Sec. 562.103. Display of Licenses by Pharmacy.
Sec. 562.104. Toll-free Telephone Number Required.
Sec. 562.1045. Linking Internet Sites.
Sec. 562.105. Maintenance of Records.
Sec. 562.106. Notification.
Sec. 562.107. Written Consumer Information Required.
Sec. 562.108. Emergency Medication Kits.
Sec. 562.1085. Unused Drugs Returned by Certain Pharmacists.
Sec. 562.1086. Limitation On Liability.
Sec. 562.109. Automated Pharmacy Systems.
Sec. 562.110. Telepharmacy Systems.
Sec. 562.112. Practitioner-patient Relationship Required.