Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle K. Professions Related to Use of Certain Medical Equipment
Chapter 604. Respiratory Care Practitioners
Subchapter E. Prohibited Practices and Disciplinary Procedures
Sec. 604.201. Disciplinary Action.
Sec. 604.2011. Surrender of Certificate Or Temporary Permit.
Sec. 604.202. Emergency Suspension.
Sec. 604.203. Administrative Procedure for Contested Case Hearing.
Sec. 604.204. Effect of Denial of Application Or Revocation of Certificate Or Temporary Permit.
Sec. 604.205. Delegation of Certain Complaint Dispositions.
Sec. 604.206. Subpoena.
Sec. 604.207. Protection of Patient Identity.
Sec. 604.208. Required Suspension of License of Incarcerated Certificate Or Temporary Permit Holder.
Sec. 604.209. Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 604.210. Advisory Board Representation in Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 604.211. Roles and Responsibilities of Participants in Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 604.212. Limit On Access to Investigation Files.
Sec. 604.213. Refund.
Sec. 604.214. Expert Immunity.