Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle L. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Chapter 651. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Subchapter F. License Requirements: Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Sec. 651.251. License Required.
Sec. 651.252. License Application.
Sec. 651.253. General License Requirements.
Sec. 651.254. License Examinations; Results.
Sec. 651.255. Examinations Required for Funeral Director's License.
Sec. 651.256. Examinations Required for Embalmer's License.
Sec. 651.257. Foreign Students; Certificate of Merit.
Sec. 651.258. License Issuance.
Sec. 651.259. Application by Out-of-state License Holder.
Sec. 651.260. Duplicate License.
Sec. 651.261. Posting of License.
Sec. 651.264. Renewal of Expired License by Out-of-state Practitioner.
Sec. 651.265. Renewal for Certain Retired Applicants; Inactive Status.
Sec. 651.266. Continuing Education.
Sec. 651.267. Reissuance of Revoked License.