Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle L. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Chapter 651. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Subchapter I. Practice by License Holder
Sec. 651.401. First Call; Removal of Body.
Sec. 651.402. Relationship of Funeral Director to Funeral Establishment.
Sec. 651.403. Designation of Funeral Director in Charge; Effect of Violation.
Sec. 651.404. Consumer Brochure.
Sec. 651.405. Retail Price List; Funeral Establishment.
Sec. 651.4055. Retail Price List; Crematory.
Sec. 651.406. Purchase Agreement; Funeral Establishment.
Sec. 651.4065. Purchase Agreement; Crematory.
Sec. 651.407. Use of Body by School of Mortuary Science.
Sec. 651.408. Use of Cemetery and Crematory Services.
Sec. 651.4085. Interment Or Entombment.
Sec. 651.409. Notice to Next of Kin of Deceased Peace Officer.
Sec. 651.410. Authorized Release of Information.