Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle L. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Chapter 651. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Subchapter J. Prohibited Practices
Sec. 651.451. Certain Fraudulent and Deceptive Acts.
Sec. 651.452. Lack of Fitness to Practice.
Sec. 651.453. Unethical Advertising.
Sec. 651.454. Other Unethical Conduct in Soliciting Customers.
Sec. 651.455. False Or Misleading Statements Regarding Funeral Merchandise Or Funeral, Cemetery, Or Crematory Services.
Sec. 651.456. Unethical Conduct Regarding Custody of Dead Human Body.
Sec. 651.457. Unethical Conduct Regarding Embalming.
Sec. 651.458. Unethical Conduct by Funeral Establishment.
Sec. 651.459. Other Unethical Conduct in Providing Funeral Services.
Sec. 651.460. Prohibited Practices Related to Failure to Comply with Other Legal Requirements.
Sec. 651.461. Defense to Violation.