Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 3. Health Professions
Subtitle L. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Chapter 651. Crematory Services, Funeral Directing, and Embalming
Subchapter K. Disciplinary Actions and Procedures and License Denials
Sec. 651.501. General Disciplinary Powers of Commission.
Sec. 651.5011. Charging Funeral Director in Charge with Violation.
Sec. 651.502. License Denial; Effect of Criminal Conviction.
Sec. 651.5025. Immediate License Revocation; Effect of Certain Felony Convictions.
Sec. 651.5026. Temporary License Suspension Or Restriction; Disciplinary Panel.
Sec. 651.503. Warning; Report by License Holder.
Sec. 651.504. Reprimand.
Sec. 651.505. Probation.
Sec. 651.506. Disciplinary Proceedings; Hearing Proceedings.
Sec. 651.5061. Waiver of Hearing by Funeral Or Crematory Establishment.
Sec. 651.507. Effect of Multiple Violations.
Sec. 651.508. Enforcement of Law Regulating Crematories.