Texas Statutes
Occupations Code
Title 5. Regulation of Financial and Legal Services
Subtitle A. Financial Services
Chapter 901. Accountants
Subchapter J. Practice of Public Accountancy
Sec. 901.451. Use of Title Or Abbreviation for "certified Public Accountant."
Sec. 901.452. Use of Title Or Abbreviation for "public Accountant."
Sec. 901.453. Use of Other Titles Or Abbreviations.
Sec. 901.454. Title Used by Certain Out-of-state Or Foreign Accountants.
Sec. 901.455. Name Requirements and Restrictions.
Sec. 901.456. Reports On Financial Statements; Use of Name Or Signature On Certain Documents.
Sec. 901.457. Accountant-client Confidentiality.
Sec. 901.458. Loss of Independence.
Sec. 901.459. Applicability of Partnership Requirements to Partner.
Sec. 901.460. Performing Attest Services.
Sec. 901.461. Practice by Certain Out-of-state Firms.
Sec. 901.462. Practice by Out-of-state Practitioner with Substantially Equivalent Qualifications.