Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 2. Parks and Wildlife Department
Chapter 13. Powers and Duties Concerning Parks and Other Recreational Areas
Subchapter D. Participation in Federal Programs
Sec. 13.301. Programs for the Development of Historic Sites and Structures.
Sec. 13.302. Programs for the Development of Outdoor Recreation Resources.
Sec. 13.303. Cooperation with Other Agencies.
Sec. 13.304. Additional Powers of Counties and Special Districts.
Sec. 13.305. Condemnation Proceedings.
Sec. 13.306. Application for Participation in Federal Programs.
Sec. 13.307. Coordination of Activities.
Sec. 13.308. Availability of State Funds.
Sec. 13.309. Availability of Local Funds.
Sec. 13.310. Receipt and Expenditure of Funds.
Sec. 13.311. Project Priority.
Sec. 13.312. Administration Expense.
Sec. 13.313. Fish and Wildlife Restoration Projects.
Sec. 13.314. Compliance in Fishery Management.