Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 5. Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Subtitle A. Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Chapter 43. Special Licenses and Permits
Subchapter C. Permits for Scientific Research, Zoological Collection, Rehabilitation, and Educational Display
Subchapter D. Hunting Lease Licenses
Subchapter E. Permits for Trapping, Transporting, and Transplanting Game Animals and Game Birds
Subchapter F. Private Bird Hunting Areas
Subchapter G. Permits to Manage Wildlife and Exotic Animals from Aircraft
Subchapter H. Permits to Control Wildlife Protected by This Code
Subchapter I. Archery Stamps
Subchapter L. Deer Breeder's Permit
Subchapter M. Saltwater Sportfishing Stamp
Subchapter O. Conservation Permits
Subchapter P. Fish Stock Permit
Subchapter R. White-tailed Deer Management Permits
Subchapter R-1. Mule Deer Management Permits
Subchapter S. Migratory and Upland Game Bird Stamps
Subchapter U. Freshwater Fishing Stamp
Subchapter V. Nonindigenous Snake Permit
Subchapter W. Reptile and Amphibian Stamp
Subchapter X. Deer Disposition Protocol
Subchapter Y. Managed Lands Deer Program