Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 5. Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Subtitle B. Hunting and Fishing
Chapter 62. Provisions Generally Applicable to Hunting
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 62.001. Definitions.
Sec. 62.002. Computer-assisted Remote Hunting.
Sec. 62.003. Hunting from Vehicles.
Sec. 62.0031. Hunting from Public Road Or Right-of-way Prohibited.
Sec. 62.004. Hunting at Night.
Sec. 62.005. Hunting with Light.
Sec. 62.0055. Hunting with Laser Sighting Device by Legally Blind Hunter.
Sec. 62.0056. Hunting with Laser Sighting Device by Hunters with Certain Disabilities.
Sec. 62.006. Hunting for Hire.
Sec. 62.0061. Hunting On Or Over Certain Submerged Land.
Sec. 62.0065. Hunting Deer with Dogs.
Sec. 62.007. Stopping for Search.
Sec. 62.008. Prima Facie Evidence.
Sec. 62.009. Purchase for Evidence.
Sec. 62.010. Exceeding Bag Limits, Hunting During Closed Season, Etc.; Penalty.
Sec. 62.011. Retrieval and Waste of Game.
Sec. 62.012. Written Consent to Hunt Or Target Shoot Required.
Sec. 62.0121. Discharge of Firearm Across Property Line.
Sec. 62.0125. Harassment of Hunters, Trappers, and Fishermen.
Sec. 62.013. Penalties.
Sec. 62.014. Hunter Education Program.
Sec. 62.015. Hunting and Possession of Exotic Animals.
Sec. 62.016. Competitive Hunting Dog Events.
Sec. 62.017. Disposition of Seized Property.