Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 5. Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Subtitle B. Hunting and Fishing
Chapter 66. Fish and Aquatic Plants
Subchapter C. Saltwater Fishing
Sec. 66.2011. Red Drum and Speckled Sea Trout: Penalties.
Sec. 66.2012. Regulation of Commercial Uses of Redfish and Speckled Sea Trout.
Sec. 66.204. Vessels and Obstructions in Fish Passes.
Sec. 66.206. Trotline Tags.
Sec. 66.208. Commercial Joint Fishing Ventures.
Sec. 66.215. Tags for Noncommercial Nets and Seines.
Sec. 66.216. Possession of Headed Or Tailed Fish.
Sec. 66.2161. Sale Or Purchase of Shark Fins Or Shark Fin Products; Offense.
Sec. 66.217. Finfish Research.
Sec. 66.218. Penalties.