Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 5. Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Subtitle D. Crustaceans and Mollusks
Chapter 76. Oysters
Subchapter A. Public and Private Oyster Beds
Sec. 76.001. Definitions.
Sec. 76.002. Designation of Public and Private Beds.
Sec. 76.003. Beds Subject to Location.
Sec. 76.004. Riparian Rights.
Sec. 76.005. Affidavit of Riparian Rights.
Sec. 76.006. Application for Location; Fee.
Sec. 76.007. Maximum Acreage Under Location.
Sec. 76.008. Lease Or Control by Foreign Corporation Prohibited.
Sec. 76.009. Examination and Survey of Location.
Sec. 76.012. Locator's Certificate.
Sec. 76.015. Rights of Locator.
Sec. 76.017. Location Rental Fees.
Sec. 76.018. Location Rental Term; Renewal; Auction.
Sec. 76.019. Procedures for Sale Or Transfer of Location Rental.
Sec. 76.020. Oyster Shell Recovery and Replacement Program.
Sec. 76.0205. Sustainability of Oyster Industry.
Sec. 76.021. Oyster Shell Recovery and Replacement Program Account; Fee.
Sec. 76.022. Certificates of Location for Restoration Purposes.