Texas Statutes
Parks and Wildlife Code
Title 5. Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Subtitle I. Protected Freshwater Areas
Chapter 90. Access to Protected Freshwater Areas
Sec. 90.001. Definitions.
Sec. 90.002. Operation of Motor Vehicle in Protected Freshwater Area Prohibited.
Sec. 90.003. Exemptions.
Sec. 90.0035. Operation of Aircraft in Or On Protected Freshwater Area.
Sec. 90.004. Local River Access Plan.
Sec. 90.005. Assistance from Department.
Sec. 90.006. Studies.
Sec. 90.007. Landowner Rights.
Sec. 90.008. Public Access.
Sec. 90.0085. Camping and Building Fires Prohibited in Certain Areas.
Sec. 90.009. Motor Vehicle Recreation Sites.
Sec. 90.010. Enforcement.
Sec. 90.011. Penalty.