Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 3. Health
Subtitle A. Hospital Districts
Chapter 1027. Fisher County Hospital District
Subchapter B. District Administration
Sec. 1027.051. Board Election; Term.
Sec. 1027.052. Change in Election Format.
Sec. 1027.053. Notice of Election.
Sec. 1027.054. Qualifications for Office.
Sec. 1027.055. Board Vacancy.
Sec. 1027.056. Officers.
Sec. 1027.057. Compensation; Expenses.
Sec. 1027.058. Voting Requirement.
Sec. 1027.059. District Administrator.
Sec. 1027.060. General Duties of District Administrator.
Sec. 1027.061. Appointment and Recruitment of Staff and Employees.