Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 3. Health
Subtitle A. Hospital Districts
Chapter 1056. Martin County Hospital District
Subchapter C. Powers and Duties
Sec. 1056.101. District Responsibility.
Sec. 1056.102. Restriction On County Or Municipality Taxation.
Sec. 1056.103. Management, Control, and Administration.
Sec. 1056.104. Rules.
Sec. 1056.105. Purchasing and Accounting Procedures.
Sec. 1056.106. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 1056.107. Gifts and Endowments.
Sec. 1056.108. Contracts with Governmental Entities for Care and Treatment.
Sec. 1056.109. Payment for Treatment; Procedures.
Sec. 1056.110. Authority to Sue and Be Sued.