Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 3. Health
Subtitle A. Hospital Districts
Chapter 1110. Val Verde County Hospital District
Subchapter D. General Financial Provisions
Sec. 1110.151. Budget.
Sec. 1110.152. Proposed Budget: Notice and Hearing; Approval of Budget.
Sec. 1110.153. Amendments to Budget.
Sec. 1110.154. Restriction On Expenditures.
Sec. 1110.155. Fiscal Year.
Sec. 1110.156. Annual Audit.
Sec. 1110.157. Inspection of Audit and District Records.
Sec. 1110.158. Financial Report.
Sec. 1110.159. Depository.
Sec. 1110.160. Spending and Investment Restrictions.