Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 4. Development and Improvement
Subtitle C. Development, Improvement, and Management
Chapter 3846. East Montgomery County Improvement District
Subchapter D. Sales and Use Tax; General Financial Provisions
Sec. 3846.151. Sales and Use Tax; Excise Tax.
Sec. 3846.152. Tax Election Procedures.
Sec. 3846.153. Ballot Wording.
Sec. 3846.154. Imposition, Computation, Administration, and Governance of Taxes.
Sec. 3846.155. Tax Rates.
Sec. 3846.156. Abolition of Local Sales and Use Tax.
Sec. 3846.157. Use of Tax.
Sec. 3846.158. Effective Date of Sales and Use Tax Or Tax Change.
Sec. 3846.1585. General Authority to Impose Taxes.
Sec. 3846.159. Ad Valorem Tax Prohibited; Exception.
Sec. 3846.160. Fees; Charges.
Sec. 3846.161. Certain Residential Property Exempt.
Sec. 3846.162. Borrowing Money.
Sec. 3846.163. Payment of Expenses.
Sec. 3846.164. Bonds.