Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 4. Development and Improvement
Subtitle C. Development, Improvement, and Management
Chapter 3852. Pflugerville Municipal Management District No. 1
Subchapter D. Financial Provisions
Sec. 3852.151. Petition Required for Financing Services and Improvements.
Sec. 3852.152. Disbursements and Transfers of Money.
Sec. 3852.153. Maintenance Tax.
Sec. 3852.154. Assessments; Liens for Assessments.
Sec. 3852.155. Utility Property Exempt from Impact Fees and Assessments.
Sec. 3852.156. Elections Regarding Taxes Or Tax Bonds.
Sec. 3852.157. Bonds and Other Obligations.
Sec. 3852.158. Economic Development Bonds.
Sec. 3852.159. Municipality Not Obligated to Pay District Obligations.