Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 5. Transportation
Subtitle A. Navigation Districts and Port Authorities
Chapter 5004. Cypress Valley Navigation District
Subchapter C. Powers and Duties
Sec. 5004.101. General Powers and Duties.
Sec. 5004.102. Powers Regarding Canals, Ports, Waterways, and Facilities.
Sec. 5004.103. Bylaws and Rules.
Sec. 5004.104. Gift Or Purchase of Property; Eminent Domain.
Sec. 5004.105. Surplus Property.
Sec. 5004.106. General Authority to Make Contracts and Execute Instruments.
Sec. 5004.107. Contracts with United States.
Sec. 5004.108. Authority to Spend Money for Seeking Cooperation.
Sec. 5004.109. Cooperation with Other Governmental Entities Concerned with Navigation On Big Cypress River.
Sec. 5004.110. Employment of Officers and Employees.
Sec. 5004.111. Permits.
Sec. 5004.112. Authority to Sue and Be Sued.
Sec. 5004.113. Seal.
Sec. 5004.114. Red River Compact.